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Saturday, August 29, 2009


hey y'all. what's up? thought i'd drop by and see if anyone posted anything. it's been quite a while, don't you think?

anyhooo. i don't think i got an email from you, Elaine...which email did you send it to? and i spoke/talked/facebooked with rona recently actually. she just got home from a trip to the west coast [!!!!!] and started school, just like me. too bad i was out of town when she came otherwise i totally would've gone to meet her in person.

I'M A SOPHOMOREEE! now nobody can call me freshman again. god that was annoying. but i feel old now and it's all my mom's fault. darn her. classes are hard. i'm in AP French Language and half the time i don't understand what the hell my teacher is saying, though she seems nice for the most part. western civ isn't anything to look forward too either. and i'm not playing field hockey this year. it takes up way too much of my time, when i could be doing more exciting things like hanging out with my friends and making fun of this guy who looks like a beaver hahaha.

so yeah. that's about it. i wish summer lasted longer.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Google Chrome, and where is everyone?

Hey, Nick. 's been a while.

Chrome's great, except for one thing: if it opens up an incomplete HTML document (like the loading gets truncated part of the way through due to a network error, say, with unclosed HTML tags as a result), it crashes. Every. Single. Time. Because I'm using a laptop with an hypersensitive wireless switch, this is a problem. I've sent them an error report through their E-Z-Error-Report-Form a while ago; no dice. Consider this "going public". (If this gets picked up by a bigger blog, please make sure they know orngjce223 sent 'em.)

btw, where's KC, Rona, Irene, the rest of the gang? did they just leave or something? :( I'll go send them emails to see if anything's up.

update: I sent something and Suzanna replied!! let's see, where's kc and rona? we need them all!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Too long.

Long time, no talk.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

So how long has it been anyhow?

If you got an invitation to some JHU website called "Cogito", I strongly suggest you check it out. I'm known (like most everywhere else) as orngjce223.

And have I changed since the last time I was here!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Whoa There, Sailor!

I have not been here in so long. I was just procrastinating on this history quiz I have to make up over the weekend [because I missed class for field hockey!] and my dad blocked everything else so I remembered this. And that is my sad story.

So how is everyone's high school experiences? I am pretty sure everyone is in high school by now... right?!

Mine is going well so far. History used to be my hardest subject but now that I am more "proactive," I find that my teacher likes me more. Huh. So probably English now, which is ironic because my Pizza Party course was "Crafting the Essay," but whatever. Those reflections we have to write are hard because the books we are reading are so weird! And French3. Ugh. But my teacher is nice so that's good.

And Nick, Pork and Beans=amazing song :) I've been listening to a lot of different things lately, like expanding my music knowledge base, I guess you could call it. Current favorite bands: All Time Low, Secondhand Serenade, The Offspring, Katy Perry, Chris Brown, Ne-Yo, Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato, etc. I am all over the placeee.

And the most exciting part of high school is not actually the dances. I have been to 3 of them so far [and only one was my school's; I just went to one last night too] and while the music is good and all, it's just weird. And I feel like my boyfriend is like constantly watching me and aghhhh. I don't know. Let's hope this is just a phase.

Field hockey is the most amazing sport ever. It is so violent but it is majorly fun and I love it. Anyone else play it??

Sososo. I will be back in a while. Meaning a few months probably. But still. And I need to practice guitar too. My weekend is jampacked. Grr.


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

California Burnin'

This is a blog I'm establishing for the California fire situation. Of course I'm in Southern California, so I do have a slightly closer perspective than a lot of people I know online. In any case, I'm posting to check in with all of you people there.

And why can I still post on CTY Pizza Party 07 on the website? Oh well, maybe we can organize to "just talk" there at some point. Next year.

Monday, June 16, 2008

other stuffz

well, today i started my next CTY course: poetry. I have a bad feeling about this....18 or so hours in, and not a single post on Pizza Party...........I'll ask, anyone else doing CTY or Pizza Party?
Well, in other news, I got a new guitar for my birthday, a '72 Telecaster Deluxe. It's purdy.
Also, I WON TICKETS FOR COLDPLAY'S FREE CONCERT AT MADISON SQUARE GARDEN!!! it's next week (6/23), but i have to talk my parents into letting me go because i have a German Regents (for all non-New Yorkers: Regents are state run standardized tests) the next day AT NOON. Come on, NOON. it's not like it's the first test of the day at 7:30 or something!
In the world of recent musical releases: I absolutely LOVE Weezer's new album ("Weezer III," "The Red Album," whatever you want to call it.) and Death Cab For Cutie's wasn't too bad either. Coldplay's new album comes out tomorrow, I've heard it's pretty good. Also, if you like something a bit weird, i recommend downloading Nine Inch Nails' new album, "The Slip." You can download it for free (and legally) at It's pretty rockin'.
I finished my last day of classes today, but i have finals spread around from tomorrow until next Tuesday. After that I'm up to Boston for a Vocal Summit at Berklee College of Music. Should be fun
Also, check out Weezer's video for "Pork And Beans", if you haven't already.

Sorry, but the picture's for a contest by Weezer's fan club.....clicks would be appreciated.

EDIT: 6/20/08: Somehow, I am able to STILL post on the Pizza Party 07 boards. weird.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


OMG I'm FINALLY graduating today!!!! [I wonder how many times I've typed the word "graduation" or "graduation today."]

Steph, I'm sorry, but Edward Cullen is actually MINE. Even if my name isn't Bella Swan. But neither is yours. And I've liked Edward longer than you [in my mind. or maybe in truth!] so I deserve him. Haha actually no one CAN have him no matter how much we wish.

I have a facebook too. Just go search me. KC Wu. But my display name is Kaycee Wu. I think. I'm not sure. And... yeah. Just checking in, I guess.

Anyone besides Nick doing CTY again? I know I'm not...


Monday, March 17, 2008


i do really enjoy the twilight series. KC, edward is mine- you can have lame old harry. =D

lucky =[ you got to see the foo fighters live. what songs did they perform?

on the subject of HSs i got a half scholarship (($22,000)) to my #1 school!

that earned me a PS3, which is the greatest system ever- i recommend it to all.

and i have a myspace aswell.

good luck to all with HSs,


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

and now I have somethin' odd here

So this is what it's like to blog from email.

I suppose it could be better, but I don't have access to the "blogspot" domain at all, so good thing I remembered this.  Could someone send a screenshot to me? (In email, of course, so if you don't know my email, don't even bother.)

I'm in swimming now, with some complaints about the scheduling of the whole thing.  What, do I have to check my email at 6:00 every morning to make sure I don't miss anything?  Because the calendar, so far, is completely wrong.

I drew a political cartoon and sent it to the school newspaper for review.  It's something about the U.S. economy having the flu.  Let's see if it gets in.

Meanwhile I need to be getting to school.  We have a really late start today, thanks to CAHSEE testing.


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