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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
ACH! swimming....
But soccer and cross country are awesome.
I agree with Lauren. Basketball is way not my sport. I was on the team in first grade, and during practice I got tagged in the nose and blood was pouring out... I never played on a team again.
Swimming, soccer, and cross country are WAY better.
I tried basketball once. It was NOT pretty. And I can still only score hoops with a soccer ball (lighter than a real basketball). *sigh* And I'm so tall, too.
No one passed out today at soccer camp. But my arms almost fell off during fitness. We had to drag ourselves across the field without our knees touching the ground and without any help from our legs. Ouchies.
Happy Birthday!
Yep, you guessed it, a birthday. But WHO???
Harry is now 27 years old... Wow. And he's living a great life without Voldemort bothering him anymore through his scar or any other way.
Yay for Harry!!!!!!!
P.S. I'm gonna be signing as different things, but you guys should have figured out by now that PotterLover is me, KC, the HP Obsessive.
title? i don't have a title for this...
my concert stories won't be as funny as KC's, but whateverrr. haha i can SO see someone fainting and the domino effect happened. i woulda cracked up so bad. so back when i was in like 3rd grade, my class was like UBER-immature and weird. so we had contests for who could make their face the purplest, you know hold your breath. so one girl, gabrielle, decided to try. she fainted and landed under a chair. i was kinda funny while i was there...
HA conecerts. i hate them. we have spring and winter concerts, both of which are stupid. usually when you're going into 7th grade you do plays instead of sing, but my class was so BAD ((chyeahh guys we pwn)) that we had to sing like all the little pre-k chiddlers. no one fainted, but there was this one part when ablsolutely NO ONE sang. we got in massive trouble for that one =]
i despise soccer ((no offense)) basketballs my sport. i did a week-long camp this summer. that was freakin' ROUGH. no water, countless, games, hours and hours of strenuous exercise. drills, runnning up and down the courts. GAHH. but my team won the champs at the end of the week. =D
haha i found the ian thing veery funny. like WOAH funny. ahaha.
omgomg i was putting on my socks, and i dropped one of them in my bowl of oatmeal by accident. i pulled it out and it was dripping and covered in raisins. which looked kinda like ants..
i went on the pizza party this morning to see if i could go on. and i could ;]
i'm E.V.I.L *insert evil laugh here*
- St3ph
Monday, July 30, 2007
Replying to all the Blah Stuff
Sometimes, I remind myself of James Potter, like cocky and annoying people just for the fun of it. Of course, I can't Levicorpus someone, or Scourgify the mouth, or hex them, but still.
Steph, two words: CALM DOWN. It's really not goodbye, it's just goodbye from the CTY Pizza Party forums. We can all still chat with each other.
OOH!!! This one girl passed out on stage once this year at school!!! It was the Spring (or winter?) concert, and after the chorus people sang, the chorus teacher/leader/person was talking to the audience (us) and then one girl just fell down and passed out. It was actually kinda funny. It was like a domino effect: she fell down, causing the girl next to her to fall, and the next girl, and so on.
Well, my friends would definitely confirm that I'm completely freaked out by ants. I was at my friend Becky's house once, and she had an ant invasion in her kitchen, and we were going there for some candy, and I saw all the ants, and I made her squash them all with her shoe before I would go in. And I did a mini inspection of the kitchen-entrance-area before I tentatively put my foot down. We still laugh about that.
But you have to admit, ants are scary little minions. *silence* Fine, don't admit it. OMG, last summer when I took a CTY summer program, I was standing on the edge of the curb with my friends, and there was some grass there, and then suddenly I felt this tingly thing on my leg. I looked down and almost screamed cuz an ant was on my leg. I frantically brushed it off and got all paranoid after that, thinking that every tingly/itchy part of me had an ant.
Oh brilliant. Now I'm getting all these tingly/itchy feelings.
Lauren: soccer is fun. But intensive soccer training? *shudder* That's like intensive swimming or cross country. But no one on my sports teams has ever fainted. Except I hate Alan!!! He murders us at practice... He gives us horribly hard sets to do, like 500 free timed (it's only 15 laps in my pool though) (for you other swimming people in this blog). Or he makes me swim with Ian who constantly stares at me like he has nothing better to do. Honestly! Go away Ian. Staring at someone who definitely IS NOT interested is so not cool.
Anyhoo, after recovering from my moment of talking to Ian but not really, I have come to a few conclusions:
- Ian needs to find something to do other than stare at me at the pool.
- Though Snape may have been good to Dumbledore, that does not excuse his rude behavior to the Potters, James and Harry alike. Or the rest of the Marauders. Or Harry's friends.
- Gryffindors are way hotter than Slytherins, or people from any other House.
- My Taiwan/Taipei air has been polluted by Cameron/Ca-moron, who was there for a month, and returned just a few days ago.
- Just cuz Dan's haircut this year was ugly doesn't mean that he's ugly. I still like him.
Miss you guys in the pizza party forum already!!! Promise me you'll all keep in touch and keep posting here. Or else I will karate your butts into outer space where you can party alone with an asteroid.
*laugh attack* That sounded so hilarious!!!
xoxo Karate Wildchild/PotterLover/HP Obsessive/KC!!!
P.S. I previewed it and found out it was superdy duperdy LONG!!! Happy reading!!!
-Steph misses Pizza Party
how come one of the links is "Gryffindor common room"
what if some of us people don't like Gryffindor!
hmph. i want a slytherin common room, because us slytherins own.
-St3ph the Slytherin
It was scary. So really, it isn't surprising when people pass out.
when you said "a girl passed out" you made it sound like something that happened so often, like an ordinary, everyday event, which cracked me up. i literally can't stop laughing and my parents are staring at me all funny.
okok i'm done.
had to comment on that.
I'm melting....
So, it's OVER
To Sahil: Are you the person on facebook from Paul Schrieber Senior High or something like that? In nassau county? Cause I saw you. o_O
Well, I'm starting to get ready for my Hong Kong trip. Where are you people going? =]
contact me on aim!!
I, St3ph, refuse to be stunned so ha.
Ants...congratz KC, you're the first person I've ever met who's really scared of ants...
Back to the "would you rather" thingy, I'd take my foot and punt the cannibal sooo far, into a trench full of ants. Then I'd use dark magic on his tribe and they'd all bow down to me and fan me with feathers and feed me grapes and such.
Before, i was outside with no shoes on and an ant crawled on me. i ignored it. =]
for all thse bored people-watch this, you'll laugh your heads off.
-The 'tard
But thats just my opinion.
It took me a full ten minutes to find where to sign into the blog to post......ya I know I'm dumb. Too bad.
Later ppl
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Hey Harry! Steph is insulting you!!!
- What?! How dare she?? I'm coming over right now to Stun her!!!
HAHA ST3PH!!! Oh look! It's Harry!
*Steph falls to the ground, Stunned*
*dances around* I TOLD YOU SO STEPH!!!
Anyhoo, have you really never heard of the story where you're buried with ants and then they eat up your body? Cuz that's depressing. You've missed out on a lot of good horror stories... Well, at least I didn't write about being eaten ALIVE by ants... *shudders violently* I HATE HATE HATE WITH A RED HOT BURNING PASSION ANTS!!!
Yes, I realize that ants are minuscule creatures... But still. I hate the way they crawl around creepily and stuff, and when they climb around they feel so tingly/tickle-y/UGH!
I should stop. I'm getting scared.
What would you rather? Get eaten alive in a trench by ants OR be eaten by a cannibal who cuts you open with no anesthetics and pulls your guts out and eats them raw?
I choose neither. You guys can too. Even though it ruins the point of the game but still. Neither choice is very comforting.
Anyhoo, be happy!!! We're all finally almost done with this course!!! And as I said in the top bar thingamabob, STAY FLY!!!
xoxo Karate Wildchild.
P.S. It's KC. You know, Karate Wildchild, KC Wu.
HP5 = E.V.I.L.
very descriptive you were on the serial-killer thing with the ants...never heard that one before.
it took me so long to post because i've been holding in all my frustration.
I HATE HP 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cmon harry, stun me. i dare you.
-Gu3ss wh0
u cant believe that the session ends tm!!! 6 weeks flew by so quicky...and that means summer is flying by really quickly also =[...AND THEN BACK TO SCHOOL!! not that i dont like school but i just hate waking up early/homework/tests, etc.
byeas haha
latahhh sweettthheeaaarrrtttssss <3
ohhh myyy holyyy goodnessss!!!
latahhh sweettthheeaaarrrtttssss <3>
ohhh myyy holyyy goodnessss!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3
I HEART THAT SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3>
sorry i just had to say taht :]
bye guys! cya satttturrdayyyyyy <3>
bettaayyy <33
im a gansta fo shizzleee :]
ohhh emmm h geee!!!!!!
jp with my gs troop!!!
omg i love the songg the way i are!!! <33>
be back sat.
-betsssss <3
a p!rat35 l1f3 f0r m3 <33
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Well, Blah.
I watched the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie again. It was good. So don't insult it, Steph, otherwise Harry is gonna get SOOOOOOOOOO mad at you. And you don't want him to be mad at you. He might Stun you and there won't be anyone to revive you with Ennervate cuz you insulted the fifth movie.
Anyhoo, if you people don't keep in touch with me at all after the pizza party is over, I will somehow find you and kick your butts for that. You can blog me (yes, I realize that blog normally is not a verb but WHO CARES?), email me, IM me, call me, blah. But I won't post my cell numero here just cuz I don't feel like it. Besides, there could be some random child predator out there reading this blog and then he'll call me and pretend to be one of you which could totally work cuz I don't know how any of you sound and then ask me to meet him somewhere over the rainbow and then somehow I'll be tricked into going there and I'll meet this crazed and psychotic serial killer who will drag me off to an old and abandoned warehouse and then
murder me and bury my body in a trench filled with ants who will devour my body and then when people finally find me, there will be nothing left but a few bones.
I'm sure that none of you want the above scenario to happen. If you want my cell, email me or IM me. But I'm for sure not putting it on here because of that freaky child predator who wants me dead because I... well, let's not get into that. Unless you guys want another freaky story about how my guts are all spilling out after being cut open by an insane surgeon who enjoys cutting open little children alive and then eating their intestines raw.
Wow. That sounded really gory. I should shut up.
xoxo KC
chyeah. well, i was reading the posts before me and i saw this one evil, dreadful word. EARTH SCIENCE! EVIL!
well, because i'm bored, i will explain the story behind this. this year i had earth science. we got a new science teacher and she was seriously obssesed with space. like she'd come to school in an astronaut training suit, and we watched countless space videos and went on space field trips and read about space! if you wanna imagine how she looked for those of you who have seen HP 5 the movie, she looks EXACTLY like Umbridge. like scary alike. i saw that movie with my friends, and we were terrified when we saw her. for those of you who haven't seen the movie (( i wouldn't advise you to see it, it sucked)) she short, got short curly-ish brown hair and is old and wrinkly and E.V.I.L.
okok i'm done, thanks for reading all that junk. i had to vent.
++it's my mom's birthday tomorrow. =] yays!!!
Summer's really going by toooooo fast for me. ;-; lolol
Packing + Haircut
and then at 4:15 I'm going to get my hair cut at Gene Juarez. :D YAY! Lol. If I have time after I get my hair cut I will upload a pic for you guys, so you can see my hair in all it's straightness. :P
But ya...
Since we're leaving tomorrow morning I have to finish ALL the CTY stuff today. :( I still have to do my entire FWA14, one more of W9, and all of W10. Gah.
I'm going to repeat myself as I think I said in one of my other blogs...PEOPLE NEED TO GET MSN INSTANT MESSENGER (otherwise known as Web Messenger)! I'm serious here! MSN is waaaay better then AIM. Trust me on this and go get it. :D
Well, I better get to work on all that CTY stuff.
Urgh. :P
Naomi xoxo
I still feel the Live Earth "hangover", I guess you'd call it. I can't stop visiting the site and watching the videos and everything else on there.
Speaking of Can't Stop, That's a really good RHCP song. and it's got such a great video.
This is partially the boredom talking.........
Friday, July 27, 2007
my blog is on here too
Meanwhile, the email address is orng_jce (@) yahoo(.)com. (I did that to deter email-searching robots.)
Wikipedia is "the free encyclopedia" and it's cool because it's free... and anyone can edit it!
email: (dont ask, my dad made it for me when i was 5 =P)
IM: smiles12394 (i'll be on more once my mom actually lets me get IM on our freaking home computers!!!)
...i might ne getting a myspace in the near future, maybe another sn for IM and another email address that isnt so lame-o...
rona <3
p.s. btw is this font color hard to read?
oh mee w. the random titles again!!! this time its: burp
i can read it but it just kinda hurts my eyes =P
is this color ok?
ok i'll start
but whooo that stunk!
So like I said before, I'm going to Great Wolf August 2+3 and then Hong Kong from August 16th to the end. yeah....
- AIM: aznXxanj3L
- myspace:
- xanga:
- Yahoo + e-mail::
- Youtube aznXxanj3L

That's about it. =^O^= so talk ppl. =] and that's my dino over there. heh...
X0X0 Annie~<3
oh my holy goodness!!
its... betty!!!
wow there are a ton of posts!!!
and i have soooo muchhh to sayy =]
whoo like always!
OMG eclipse is coming out aug 7!!!!
cant waitt =]
and okkk im almost done w. my library books so please... dont give the book away!!
i'll try to be done w. harryy by monday =]
but i know who dies and everything like that =[
im getting an mp3!! omhg!
but idk what kind because my friends like what ever you do.. NO iPODS!!!! bc shes totally against iPods and she did all this research for me and she will haunt me forever if i do get an iPod =]
im bc i'll prob be bored once swim team ends
sn: babiblubuniz12
myspace: ((ino how original and i never update it))
and im going on vac augestish- to obx!! and like other places =]
canttt waitt!!! OMG!!!!
and my cousins are coming from chiiinnaaa =]]]]]]]
our pool got robbed and it was sooo stupid bc it was one of our lifeguards and whats really stupid is that he stole our...
ice cream $
ok how lame is that?! very.
and divisionals tomorrow!!!!!!!!!
omhg i'll need it!!
im seeded THIRD!!!!
AND I NEED TO GET A 29 for 50 free but I CANT!!!!!!!
and i NEED to gett into all-stars!!! IDK IF I CAN!!!!!!!!!!!! I BETTER!!!!!!!!!
dont forget that betty <3s>
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Race x 2 = WIN...Dad + iPod = GENIUS!
But anyway, when we got home I was like "Are you actually NOT going to give me the iPod charger?" and he said, "Well anytime you want a rematch..." And I knew that he was exhausted and I wasn't that tired at all, so I said "How about now?" And so we did it..and I smoked him obviously. :P Afterall, he WAS exhausted and I was kinda...not. Lol.
So then we got in and I was trying out my awesome charger that plugs into the wall instead of a computer and he says "Wait a sec" and he pulls out of his desk this portable speakers we've had for ages that went with some contraption to record things that he bought ages ago. And he plugs my iPod in and...the music is suddenly being broadcasted over the room!! YAY!! Lol. I've wanted an iHome for AGES and now I have something almost as good as one. :)
All in awesome day for my iPod. Lmao.
And I got some good exercise too. :D
actually, nothing happens if my dad wins BUT IF I WIN...I get a new USB cord to replace the one I lost and this cool little gadget where you can charge your iPod by plugging it into an outlet instead of a computer which together is worth $29. Also, if I'm lucky he might give me $20 which was the original prize until he got the USB cord thingy. :P
So ya...
wish me luck!! And I'll tell you the results :)
I leave for fiddle camp on SUNDAY MORNING. I'm going to miss you all :( I'll bring my laptop though so on the off chance our hotel has internet access I'll be able to keep you all posted. ;) You'll get to hear about all my adventures, friends, and hott guys (lmao) so get ready for some long blogs from me.
P.S. EVERYONE NEEDS TO GET WEB MESSENGER. It is way better then AIM...Ahmed and I BOTH agree on that. :P So get it now and we can have chats on there. :)
yeah this is awesome~
so i can't really belive that the cty distance is really ending. i mean, that was so fast! ><
so now i'm obbsessed with yellowcard's new album:Paper walls. ehhhhhh. o____o
- myspace: last name=eng, for the security question thing.
- xanga:
- AIM: aznXxanj3L
- e-mail:
- Facebook: look up "Annie Eng". I'm the person at 'wheatley school' okay? =] or look at my myspace.
- yahoo: starxwingz
- youtube & aznXxanj3L
This post belongs to Annie Eng {{ xoxo }}
Sounds Cool...
Mark created that forum thing... I don't know...
And since not all of us have AIM or are on at the same time, we obviously can't do a giant AIM chat room... Although that would be pretty fun.
Whatever, we'll figure it out.
xoxo KC
P.S. I'm leaving for Taiwan on Wednesday (taking a red-eye) and I won't be on the computer until about... Friday US time... I think... yeah. And then I'll be all jet lagged so don't be surprised if I talk all funny.
what think ppl?
lol, now we won't ever forget each other!!! [may be an exaggeration, but whatever.]
Susana's contact info!!:
AIM: kisachan998
YIM: anime_tomboy99
GTalk: xfuturesmtraineex
Email[s]: OR
Facebook: the keyword is...: xfuturesmtraineex
[[yes, i know i'm not in high school, so SHH!!! xDD]
my youtube account: undefinedangel99 [DONT ASK]
soompi: [[if any of you guys have it]]: xfuturesmtraineex
hmmmm...what else is there...xDDD
dont think theres anything else.
xDDDDD lol.
I'm so happy that when Pizza Party ends, we wont be just cutting off communication forever...
but of course, Pizza Party will be missed TT_TT
Blah Blah Blah
Oh my God, I'm so sad!!! I'm gonna get all teary just thinking about never talking to you guys again in the Pizza Party, and in some cases, arguing... Arguments=not fun, but I'll still miss it.
Well, on the brighter side, we have this! So yay!!!
Anyhoo, did I post my contact info on here? I get the feeling that I didn't... Hold on, lemme check... Yeah, I didn't.
Gmail/GTalk-- koolkat41
Yahoo/YIM-- h2opomato41 (don't ask)
AIM-- pomatogurl41
YouTube-- Fawkes41 (I don't post videos though so don't bother trying to find one by me)
I have a Bebo account, but I never go on. In case you want to see my profile:
And before I post any fanfics, I'm gonna get a beta reader first, but I'm on MNFF (Mugglenet) and maybe TT ( My MNFF accounts are hp_obsessive and emerald love. I haven't decided which account to post at yet. And if you want to read stories from my favorite MNFF author, her name is Secret Lily.
I'm gonna miss you guys so much!!!
xoxo KC
this is offically cool. love the idea, how we gonna keep in touch for a longgggggggggg timee. i feel all fuzzy inside too =]
Steph's contact info, eh?
AIM: steph owns123
so right now....hmmm...i'm playing computer games and procrastinating.
i still can't get over how cool this is.
like woah cool.
ok i'm done now =]
Yay for Fun!
-- Luuuurve vicky
anyway, on monday I go to my favoritest camp ever. A local music camp called Bach to Rock, and the counselors put us into bands and we practice songs and then at the end theres a concert. Oh, yeah, if anyone is interested in coming, the concert is at a bar in Wantaugh called Mulcahy's. August 12th, probably about 2 in the afternoon. Pics from the camp will be up at , if anyone wanted to know.
- AIM-FenderStrat0593
- GTalk-FenderStrat0593
- YouTube-noname0314
I'm gonna be on here a lot in august, probably, so, yeah.
PS-I was the one who put the harry potter thing up. poll ends next (not tomorrow) friday. New Poll each week.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
so I'm not gonna be on the comp for most of august, cause i'm gonna be in hong kong. but still, keep in touch!! =] and I'm gonna be posting my contact info on every post i make. just to let you know.
- {{my facebook should be on my myspace. ^^}}
- {{i dun update that much. but feel free to comment. =] }}
- e-mail:
AIM: aznXxanj3L {{it doesn't matter if I'm away or something. just IM.but sometimes, i really am away...consider yourself vips. =D}} - Everyone keep in touch, ok? and i go fanfictioning on and on youtube. both of my usernames are aznXxanj3L. =]
And btw, if anyone wants to post some like, pics or graphics they made/make here, that'll be great. =3
This post belongs to Annie Eng <3
Fonts and Such
Cool? Cool.
By the way, is this red a hard font to read? Cuz if it is, I'll change it.
Stupid FWA 10
But today was fun...I went swimming in the lake with my friend and then we went on a walk ALL THE WAY around the lake. It took like two hours!! By the end I was thirsty, starved, and practically delirious. Lmao. (It was burning out there)
On Sunday we leave for FIDDLE CAMP!! Nice weather...friends...hotel swimming should be great except I have to finish things earlier since the course ends on Monday and I leave Sunday morning. :/
We BETTER all keep in touch!! I've made so many good friends through CTY, but I want to learn more about you guys...six weeks is NOT ENOUGH! lol.
my email is but it is soon to be
I'm not allowed to have a myspace :( but my friend is making one for me....I'll never be on though! Haha. Oh well. And...ya. AIM is xXMOCHAxFREEZEXx and MSN is
lol anyways, im sahil, if u guys want to talk to me i have aim, myspace and a facebook
-aim: sddt320
-facebook: search for sahil doshi, im the one from paul d schreiber high school, new york
-myspace: i think its i dont use it that much
btw, is the harry potter poll thing something that one of you added or is it to do with the site?
- {{my facebook should be on my myspace. ^^}}
-{{i dun update that much. but feel free to comment. =] }}
- e-mail:
- AIM: aznXxanj3L {{it doesn't matter if I'm away or something. just IM.but sometimes, i really am away...consider yourself vips. =D}}
Everyone keep in touch, ok? and i go fanfictioning on youtube. both username-aznXxanj3L
this post belongs to .:annie eng:.<3
[[wow this blogger spot thing really is interesting. =)]]
rona <3
YAY! pizza party lives!
Yay.....Pizza Party can still live on!
Pizza Party Blog!!!
this is it. it's our blog. do whatever. talk. post stuff. it's our blog!!!
just to stay in touch after the pizza party is over... *sob*
have fun!
you can change the template, font, background colors, text colors, etc. play around with it! add whatever links you want, YouTube, Fan Fiction stuff, blah!
and at the end of each post, sign your name, just so we know who's who.
xoxo KC!!!