Well, in other news, I got a new guitar for my birthday, a '72 Telecaster Deluxe. It's purdy.
Also, I WON TICKETS FOR COLDPLAY'S FREE CONCERT AT MADISON SQUARE GARDEN!!! it's next week (6/23), but i have to talk my parents into letting me go because i have a German Regents (for all non-New Yorkers: Regents are state run standardized tests) the next day AT NOON. Come on, NOON. it's not like it's the first test of the day at 7:30 or something!
In the world of recent musical releases: I absolutely LOVE Weezer's new album ("Weezer III," "The Red Album," whatever you want to call it.) and Death Cab For Cutie's wasn't too bad either. Coldplay's new album comes out tomorrow, I've heard it's pretty good. Also, if you like something a bit weird, i recommend downloading Nine Inch Nails' new album, "The Slip." You can download it for free (and legally) at nin.com. It's pretty rockin'.
I finished my last day of classes today, but i have finals spread around from tomorrow until next Tuesday. After that I'm up to Boston for a Vocal Summit at Berklee College of Music. Should be fun
Also, check out Weezer's video for "Pork And Beans", if you haven't already.
Sorry, but the picture's for a contest by Weezer's fan club.....clicks would be appreciated.
EDIT: 6/20/08: Somehow, I am able to STILL post on the Pizza Party 07 boards. weird.