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Friday, August 31, 2007
YAY! 100th Post!
KC, The arm is good, thanks. I have the cast for another 3 or 4 weeks.
I've been meaning to go see The 11th Hour, but I've also heard that it's kind of the Anti-An Inconvenient truth. And by that, I mean, that while It contained many facts, An Inconvenient Truth lacked any feeling that it was a movie. I've heard that The 11th Hour is more like a movie, but lacking in facts. My verdict:Find a copy of the Live Earth Global Warming Survival Handbook (Dammit, I cannot friggin escape Live Earth). Or watch both movies. Or watch both movies and read the book version of An Inconvenient Truth. Or Watch both movies and read the survival handbook and An Inconvient Truth. Just do SOMETHING.
But that's not why I came to post.............I've always wanted to do some lists of favorite Albums/Movies/ Here we go, and if you don't like it, well, too bad. Put that in your juice box and suck it.
10 Favorite albums of all particular order.
Greatest Hits and live Albums are not allowed to be added.
Ramones-The Ramones
Continuum-John Mayer
Everything Goes Numb-Streetlight Manifesto
Weezer(The Blue Album)-Weezer
By The Way-Red Hot Chili Peppers
Anthem-Less Than Jake
London Calling-The Clash
Disreali Gears-Cream
Abbey Road-The Beatles
5 Favorite Movies of all time...Again, No Particular order.
End of The Century-The Story of the Ramones.
Ocean's 11
The Forty Year Old Virgin
A Hard Day's Night.
A Few Things...
- Who here besides me hasn't started school yet? Because I feel like I'm the only person on the planet (besides everyone who goes to my school) who hasn't started yet. I start next Wednesday. Anyone else starting as late as me?
- Sorry I didn't say anything about your arm when you first said it, Nick, but how is it now?
- If/When Rona comes back and checks this out and sees my post: Rona, I got all 3 LOTRs and I rewatched POTC1 which means... ORLANDO BLOOM!!! Okay, done. FOR NOW.
- Publications... Yearbook, newspaper, etc. I have another training session today... But at least I get to see my friends. And InDesign is actually a really cool program. Except for the fact that it's kinda hard in the beginning...
- Oh shoot. I had some-- OH I REMEMBER NOW! 11th Hour is out now. It's that new documentary/movie thing starring/produced by Leonardo (DiCaprio) about global warming and all and how we can solve it, instead of just saying what's happening. It's cool.
HA! Never mind. I don't have to go yet. My mom is on the phone and when she's on the phone she can't make me do anything! HA! I WIN I WIN I WIN!!!
Sorry. I've gotten into this annoyingly stupid habit of going "I WIN I WIN I WIN!!!" at random times, especially when it's quite obvious that there's nothing TO win. But yeah, whatever. That's just a part of me.
I AM SO HAPPY!!! Packages, packages, and more packages!!! Of course, they're not all here right now... But still. I'm getting all my packages soon. So HA! I WIN I W-- Fine. I'll shut up.
Blah, I don't wanna write/type anymore right now. My legs are so sore right now (not that I type with my feet or anything, just that the soreness/pain travels up my body to my arms/hands/fingers) from Wednesday's soccer practice... Ugh, I really need to get in shape.
Ciao! (for real)
Thursday, August 30, 2007
while we're all discussing music i'm going to name a few songs that i really like, and that you'd probably like.
wake up call -maroon 5 ((regardless of whether you like makes me wonder or not, this is a great song))
now Incubus. they're great. if you like boys like girls, i bet you'd like incubus.
listen to these songs:
Dig- incubus
Anna Molly- Incubus
Love Hurts- Incubus
Drive- Incubus
now for everyone else..
stronger- Kanye West ((CHYEAHH))
I will remember you - Ryan Cabrera ((i know, i know, it's cheesy))
Think Twice- Eve 6
Promise- Eve 6
Inside Out - Eve 6
and if you need a graduation song...
Here's to the night- Eve 6
ok i'm done...FOR NOW.
*insert evil laugh here*
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
No real topic here, just me rambling.
I'll still be posting here when school starts, I'm aiming for about twice a week or so.
By this friday, I'll finally be able to record some songs....But I'm not 100% sure if i'm even able to play guitar now. Damn arm....
Another couple of songs for the ska list...
Less Than Jake-Plastic Cup Politics
Operation Ivy-Unity (The Operation Ivy Version isn't on iTunes, but the Reel Big Fish cover version is.)
***************Zebrahead-Anthem (Everyone, LISTEN TO THIS SONG. It's kinda different than standard Ska, but it's really good. Listen to this, espicially if you like Linkin Park.)
Yeah, I think that's it.
I'll do whatever I can to record, And if I can't upload them onto here, IM me (NickBeOnAim) and I'll gladly send it to you.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Custom Search
You notice the search box up there? I dug around on the Internet and found it. It's set to "emphasize results from this website", which is just as well.
Do you like it?
Whoa...lots of posts...
The last time I checked this blog was a couple of weeks ago...I have a lot of catching up to do.
I went to Maine for a week and stayed in a really cool beach house...and then I came back to NY and had to finish my stupid summer reading assignment (anyone read How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff? I don't recommend it - it's weird) that took me like three weeks to do 'cause I ended up going on the Internet and watching videos on YouTube every time I sat down to do it.
And then school's starting for me on Sept. 5...ick. High school...I already got my schedule and they've put me in a class I didn't sign up for.
If you guys want to IM me, my AIM sn is Lvffmusica9236.
Enjoy what's left of summer, everyone. And for those of you already in school, good luck!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
And BIG OMG!!!!
Guess who's coming to San Francisco for a concert on October 26 this year???
BOYS LIKE GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG I'm so excited/happy/bubbly/OOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, just had to say that. But yay I'm so happy!!!!!!!
Friday, August 24, 2007
The Rock and the Hard Place
Option one: get killed now
Option two: get killed later
Sounds pretty useless, but getting killed now is better because you get yelled at less. It's a technicality.
For a description, see the title of this post.
Swim Meet
Anyhoo, swim meets... We have a swim meet coming up, but I am facing a dilemma. A Hobson's Choice, as some people who have read A Series of Unfortunate Events might call it.
I don't wanna go, especially because I won't be getting like ANY training for it, since I'll be doing cross-country and soccer (which I'm taking up again after like... 4 years) and my schedule will be so full that I have no swimming time. Because my schedule will probably go something like this:
Monday: cross-country practice
Tuesday: cross-country practice or meet
Wednesday: soccer practice, possible cross-country meet
Thursday: piano, or cross-country practice if my teacher can't make it
Friday: cross-country
Saturday: soccer game
(Yes, I know, cross-country actually takes a TON of work. Running long distance, over hills and into valleys, your legs NEED to be trained up, and ready to roll.)
Which leaves only Sunday. But we have no swim practice on Sunday (nor would I want to go on a perfectly good Sunday) so I would have absolutely no time for swimming.
My swim meet is on a Saturday/Sunday. And I have another few problems, after my busy schedule.
One problem: I'll probably have a soccer game on Saturday, and on Sunday, I'll be dead beat. Running around, kicking a ball, defending my goal with the goalie, it's a hard job being a sweeper or part of the defense line.
Second problem: My coach said to us on Wednesday that if we don't do our three events at this meet, then we have to swim EVERY event on EVERY day of the meet. Well, I'm not sure about the Friday one... but who cares right now? (I really should.)
Third problem: My meet sheet thing (that slip of paper where you say which events you're gonna do) is due TODAY. And my parents don't seem to really care. No, actually, it's not that they don't care, just that they have other more pressing matters. But this is kinda important.
Seriously. How am I supposed to tell my parents that A) I don't want to go to this meet, but B) if I don't go, however, my coach will murder me? And they won't understand either. They never went to swim meets before, nor did they have an evil torturing coach who loves to kill his swim kids during practice. Oh sure, they've been to my swim meets. But you know, coach/parent, adult/adult, they get along perfectly well. So I have no one on my side in this argument!
So my Hobson's Choice: I can either A) go to this meet with no previous training in the weeks before, die, and get yelled at by my coach for getting a ridiculously slow time, or B) not go to this meet without prior training, run cross-country as usual, play soccer, and die at the next meet where my coach will force me to swim every event on every day.
Yes, I know. My life sucks at this point. I should never have gone to the pool Wednesday. I KNEW I should have just gone today instead since I already HAVE TO (teaching all the little Learn-to-Swim kids), but NO, my parents were like, "You've already missed so much swimming, so you're going to the pool today."
And guess what? First day back, and I'm so dead. I'm serious. I went for like so long with no swimming whatsoever, and then, look what happens: I almost died during the WARM UP. That's so not right. But whatever.
And I need to deal with this problem before 4:00 PM. And this is so not gonna happen.
Ugh. PotterLover is not happy. Not happy at all.
P.S. I also posted this on my blog, but I felt like putting it here too.
P.P.S. Sorry if it's too long. I just had a lot to say.
P.P.S.S. It's okay if you guys didn't read the entire thing. I won't be hurt. I just need something to vent out all my anger with.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Is ska ska or ska?
Monday, August 20, 2007
the most mosquito bites i've ever had at once was like 5. but NJ isn't really tropical..
woah, KC, survived nature...with ants
and of course i want a giant freaky dead mosquito that was on your food! =]
i wonder if giant freaky dead mosquitoes in food live in random cabins on random mountains in Taiwan...
Saturday, August 18, 2007
So. Taiwan. Mosquitoes.
Steph, I have tons of mosquito bites you can have, since you told me to bring you back a mosquito bite. Actually, I have plenty to go around for all you CTY friends. I have... *counts again* 25 mosquito bites. And I would be totally happy to share with you guys!!!
I already told Betty this over email, and it's also on my personal blog, but I think I'll tell you guys here too.
My aunt/uncle/cousin took me and my family to go sleep in some random wooden cabin on some random mountain for one night. That night, we went down the mountain a little ways for dinner. Naturally, there were bugs. But, one MAJOR problem: I have a severe case of insectophobia...
So I was just eating my dinner, occasionally pointing out the scary ant that crawled onto the table so my family could get it away from me, and I had a plate (actually bowl, but who really cares?) of food, including some veggies.
I was about to take a bite when suddenly...
I was staring at it in shock for a second, and then I nearly screamed. My parents and aunt/uncle were like, "Yeah, okay, just take it out and you'll be fine." But they were forgetting the major problem: my insectophobia. I cannot just see a bug in my food, take it out, and continue eating like nothing ever happened. It's not in my system. And my cousin was LAUGHING at me when I was half crying about the scary mosquito in my food. Honestly, could he be any less tactless???
I got another plateful of food, but after that, I kinda lost my appetite...
So that's my big scary story of dinner on the random mountain.
P.S. I hate the computer keyboards in the CAL VIP Lounge... It's so hard to type with stiff keys...
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Ok, Ska time.
Bands to Check Out:
Reel Big Fish
Streetlight Manifesto
Less Than Jake
The Mighty Mighty Bosstones
Sublime (more on the reggae side)
Bandits Of The Acoustic Revolution(B.O.T.A.R) ((OrcheSka)Extreme Ska, 15 piece band with violins and Even more horns and stuff)
Albums to Check Out:
***Reel Big Fish-Our Live Album Is Better Than Your Live Album (Live Album, 2 discs, 1 dvd, really good value.)
***Reel Big Fish-Turn The Radio Off
***Streetlight Manifesto-Everything Goes Numb (kinda darker tone to the songs)
Less Than Jake-Anthem (Not so much ska, but more like Punk with Horns)
Catch-22-Keasbey Nights (The Original, later entirely covered by Streetlight Manifesto)
B.O.T.A.R.-A Call To Arms-EP (5 songs, all amazingly textured with all the instruments)
Songs to Check Out Now:
***Reel Big Fish-Beer
Reel Big Fish-Sell Out
Reel Big Fish-The Fire
***Streetlight Manifesto-Everything Went Numb
Streetlight Manifesto-A Moment of Silence/A Moment of Violence (2 Songs in the same kinda arc)
***Streetlight Manifesto-A Better Place, A Better Time
Catch-22-Dear Sergio
***B.O.T.A.R.-Here's To Life (This Is A Call To Arms introduction optional)
Less Than Jake-The Science Of Selling Yourself Short
Less Than Jake-All My Best Friends Are Metalheads
Sublime-What I Got
The Mighty Mighty Bosstones-The Impression That I Get
I should note that Streetlight Manifesto, B.O.T.A.R, and Keasbey-era Catch-22 all have the same singer/guitarist, Tomas Kanolky, He's like, the New Jersey King Of Ska. Check Wiki for all the stuff he did.
Ok, I know I just listed A Lot, but I marked the best stuff with a ***. Please check the stuff out, You won't be disappointed.
The poor dad.
So, of course, I'm going to call the house phone, or his cell phone, in the middle of the night and be like "you will die in 7 days!"
hehe. I'm so nice to my poor superstitious daddy.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
sorry about the arm.
i've never broken anything.
well i might have broken my toe one time. i was leaping up the stairs and stubbed it really hard. super painful.
from wednesday to thrusday i'm going to hershey park ((CHOCOLATE!!! if there was a CLF HQ, it would defintely be hershey park)). about a 3 hour drive.
i'm gonna go on the coolest rides!!!
when i was young, i was scared of all rides. terrified of carousels.
but now i'm a daredevil, unlike my parents & sisters.
check the sitee.
soo excited.
then friday-late sunday or early monday i'm going to my uncle's and seeing my other cousins there. he lives in princeton, and it's soo much fun. we get to go to the beach and stuff.
so yeah.
sorry for boring you, and i bet you're all happy i won't be posting for a bit. =P
-St3ph ((is gonna eat so much chocolate))
its been a while...
i havent posted in forever. can someone tell me whats been happening here for like the past three weeks? haha
anyway, i died at xc today, so now my ghost is typing this. =) yesterday we did a 45 minute run, and today we did this 600-400-200 meter thing four times...torture!!!! but tomorrow is grooming day so i can recover. we will only be running 2 miles, and walking like 3....easy stuff....
rona <3
New Sn, Broken Arms, and Music

Hey everyone, long time, no write.
First things first, I made a new SN: NickBeOnAim . Add me.
The concert for Bach To Rock was last sunday. It was fun. but I ended up breaking my arm at dress rehearsal because I was running around the room (not just the stage part) for the last song (wireless mic.) And.......I tripped on a scarf. one of the props left out for the younger kids. so, I was playing the concert w/ a cast.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Hi people~!
If anyone wants my facebook, here it is:
add me! :] (i think u hafta copy and paste the link...)
So, I'll write when I get back...
Annie Eng <3
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Serious Head injuries and stuff
I am so very sad that summer is almost over for me. I'm partly excited to go back to school, but only for the fun parts.
Today I stumbled across a website that sells mutant animal remains. I didn't realize they were actually for sale until I accidentally bought one. I cancelled that order, but I'm hoping no strange packages land on my doorstep.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Meanwhile, I'm going to music camp for the next week.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
fitness camp
There were three girls who kept throwing up, and then talking about it later. It was SUPER gross.
But my dad got us tickets to go to Italy over spring break! We're going to go to Rome, Venice and then possibly Umbria or Tuscany or something like that. I'm so happy!
~lAuREn :)
Monday, August 6, 2007
To link back to the story...
Liking the blog?
you guys can IM me if you want. even tho i'm usually away...anyways, its AznXxanj3L on AIM.I also have yahoo,but I don't go on much...
well, hope everyone's having a great summer~ ;]
I'll post in orange (if I can remember).
I'm doing the distance math thing. Will be busy for a while.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
my 10-year-old sister's friends have come for a sleepover. i'm going insane! they scream, they throw things, they touch my stuff, and they're annoying!
i don't know if any of you've ever experienced this...but it sucks.
i'd be dead if it weren't for this song i'm obssesing over and you guys.
-asylum bound St3ph
anywaythere are now only 3 days left until eclipse comes out! yayyy!!!! *happy dance* i have a countdwon in my IM info...which reminds me, somebody please IM me (smiles12394 <--dont ask)! no ones ever on when i am =,( oh and even if im away, still IM me, kay? i might just be there avoiding some ppl i dont want to talk to (kc and betty taught me that ^^)
Cat drool
Just before I was petting my cat and then all of a sudden i feel wetness on my i look at my cat and there are droplets of water running out of her mouth. Then she shook her head and got it all over my bed! It was really kind of gross for such a cute cat. I didn't even know that cats were able to drool....or maybe I just never thought of it.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
i've been playing basketball in the 100 degree heat 3 days in a row with sore ankles and me poor feet are in SO much pain. but we did beat the teams. today it was in overtime too. =D
now i'm tired and about to go watch "so you think you can dance."
oh and Elaine, that was an amazing story. snaps for elaine.
omg that me reminds me of the snap cup which reminds me of Legally Blonde 2. anyone seen the movie? i like it, but 1's better ((bend 'n snap))
PS- KC, have funn in taiwan. bring me back a mosquito. or a mosquito bite =/
so I figured i would post my fanfic here when i'm done. prob gonna finish on the plane ride or something.
lets have an aim reunion~ =]
k, so i dunno what else to write, really.
Annie was here~
+ KC, e-mail me ur story!!! =]
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
we're supposed to go to Italy next summer, but I don't know if we can yet.
well i hope you have a good time in taiwan! ive never been there before, only to the mainland. tell us about your trip!
Bye Bye!!!
Anyhoo, I'm leaving today!!! I'm going to Taiwan/Taipei/Tainan, where it's completely mosquito-infested and I will have to breathe Cameron/Ca-moron polluted air. I'm taking a red eye... blah. So I'll be up pretty late. I'll be on the plane all of Thursday and I'll land Friday morning, Taiwan time. Which is... 6 at night on Thursday West Coast, 9 at night East Coast. And I'll be gone until the 18th. Of August.
And I'm so depressed... I won't have AIM while I'm there!!! Ugh... Argh! I'll have Internet but only my dad is bringing his laptop, and he doesn't have AIM on there (I forgot to put it on there) so I won't have it... *sob* maybe I'll ask him if I can download it on there...
Okies, I'll keep this short and maybe post a little later.
xoxo PotterLover
...yeah i had fun with the dobby-talking there...enyhoo i like this font...and this color...i think im going to use it every time so i dont have to sign my name...
I have a story
Once upon a time, in a land where gods ruled directly over men, there lived a boy named Archus. Archus, when young, displayed a talent for archery. When he received his first bow, he immediately pulled the bow back and let loose an arrow that slammed into a bird’s nest. His parents quickly sent him to training for the Olympics. He won the contest easily- and he was the youngest contender there.
When Archus was 15, he (like many teenage boys-pay attention, you people!) had developed an inflated view of himself. He strutted everywhere, boasting that he was as good at archery as Artemis was. “Better, even,” he said with pride.
“That pride will cause his downfall,” his mother whispered to his father.
His father whispered back, “The ungrateful brat deserves it.”
People came from everywhere to see the boy that could shoot, for example, an olive at the far end of the orchard from the roof of his house. His parents charged admission, figuring that there was no point letting money flow by unused.
One day, a group of traveling actors came to see the boy’s act. Archus looked with derision at the group’s cook, a woman that would have looked beautiful if only she did not have a dark birthmark on the left side of her face. “Did your mother spill wine on your face?” Archus taunted.
The woman snorted. “I believe it’s none of your business. And stop bragging about your archery skill.”
“It is too my business! I’m already bringing in chests of gold from admission fees.”
“Gold will not make up for boasting before the gods,” the woman answered sharply. “It is not your time or place to brag.”
“Is too! Artemis, bring it on!” Archus countered.
“You will regret this,” she muttered under her breath, then took a deep breath and transformed into the goddess herself.
“What a…” Archus’ insult petered out into a low moan.
“You said ‘bring it on,’ and I will, of course, bring it on,” Artemis answered.
Archus was left speechless. Artemis continued, “But I believe it is my right to pick the target. I pick… that cloud over there.” She then stretched a hand upward and plucked a golden bow and quiver from the sky. The cloud she’d pointed to shifted and became a target.
“Of course, since you challenged me, it is also your right to go first,” Artemis then shouted to Archus, who had jumped off the roof to try to get a better shot.
“But…” Archus could not say that he had not meant for this to happen, for he had, after all, meant for this to happen.
Artemis then retorted, “Fine. I’ll go first.” She drew an arrow from her quiver, and then carefully fitted the arrow onto the string. Then she pulled the string to her ear, kneeled and pointed the arrow, and then let it loose. The arrow, flying straight and true, flew upward until it looked like a golden flash of light, which then embedded itself into the center of the cloud she’d selected. A shout erupted from the cloud. “Your turn,” she yelled loftily.
“Fine,” Archus answered. He likewise drew an arrow from his quiver, fitted the arrow onto the string, and drew the string. But when he let loose his arrow, it flew upwards twenty feet, then stopped and came hurtling back down. Archus feared for his life, as he thought for a moment that it would hit his head. Artemis deflected the arrow, which then buried itself in the dirt barely 6 inches away from Archus.
“I…” Archus was speechless. He was afraid of divine punishment, but there was little point in protesting.
Artemis plucked a bottle of belladonna from the air as she had picked up her quiver earlier. She took this bottle, as well as some glue, mixed the two liquids, and poured the resulting mixture over Archus. Archus began shrinking until he had become the size and shape of a raccoon. But Artemis was not finished. Using more glue, she glued all his arrows to his skin, so he would wear his own arrows eternally.
The porcupine that was Archus quickly scampered into the underbrush. Artemis snickered. He would be very uncomfortable. ;-)
...does anyone want to summarize the last like 50 posts for me? i a while.