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Friday, August 31, 2007

A Few Things...

Okay, so, as my title says, a few things:
  1. Who here besides me hasn't started school yet? Because I feel like I'm the only person on the planet (besides everyone who goes to my school) who hasn't started yet. I start next Wednesday. Anyone else starting as late as me?
  2. Sorry I didn't say anything about your arm when you first said it, Nick, but how is it now?
  3. If/When Rona comes back and checks this out and sees my post: Rona, I got all 3 LOTRs and I rewatched POTC1 which means... ORLANDO BLOOM!!! Okay, done. FOR NOW.
  4. Publications... Yearbook, newspaper, etc. I have another training session today... But at least I get to see my friends. And InDesign is actually a really cool program. Except for the fact that it's kinda hard in the beginning...
  5. Oh shoot. I had some-- OH I REMEMBER NOW! 11th Hour is out now. It's that new documentary/movie thing starring/produced by Leonardo (DiCaprio) about global warming and all and how we can solve it, instead of just saying what's happening. It's cool.
So that's all for now. Now I have to go do Chinese homework... Or practice piano... I don't want to... But I guess I have to.



HA! Never mind. I don't have to go yet. My mom is on the phone and when she's on the phone she can't make me do anything! HA! I WIN I WIN I WIN!!!

Sorry. I've gotten into this annoyingly stupid habit of going "I WIN I WIN I WIN!!!" at random times, especially when it's quite obvious that there's nothing TO win. But yeah, whatever. That's just a part of me.

I AM SO HAPPY!!! Packages, packages, and more packages!!! Of course, they're not all here right now... But still. I'm getting all my packages soon. So HA! I WIN I W-- Fine. I'll shut up.

Blah, I don't wanna write/type anymore right now. My legs are so sore right now (not that I type with my feet or anything, just that the soreness/pain travels up my body to my arms/hands/fingers) from Wednesday's soccer practice... Ugh, I really need to get in shape.

Ciao! (for real)


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