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Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Long Overdue, and Pictures

Hi All, Nick Here.
Man, I meant to use this more often while In school. I've been busy with sophmore things and Stage crew (for the fall play-The Diary of Anne Frank (I didn't get a part in the 12-person cast)). Please excuse all of the pictures here. I have first period Digital Photography, and i feel like showing off some of my work. I have chemistry this year, and despite it supposedly being the "hardest science course", it's remarkably easy. Same with Global History, which was my worst class last year (bad teacher, I suppose).

School is good, I guess.

I'm on facebook now. Search for "Nick Pitman" in the "Garden City Senior High School" network.

And now, some pictures:
Picture #1 (Top)-the rare sight of an empty hallway.
Picture #2-Garden City High School in all of it's first-period-7-in-the-morning glory.

Picture #3-The Graffiti'd walls of the basement, where we stage crew-ers do our thing.

Picture #4-The reason why i bring my own lunch.

Picture #5-I think this picture just looks cool.

Picture #6-This kinda just strikes me as a "defining picture" of Garden City. The street that runs through nearly the entire town ends and branches out right at that building, so people see it every day. I always thought it just looked nice.

Picture #7-Ballin!

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