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Friday, September 7, 2007

freaky teachers

I think the board of education is trying to scare the eighth graders of my school into good behavior by giving us the weirdest teachers ever (too bad, it doesn't work). My civics teacher is the head of some teachers union, and basically she organizes all the strikes and is the first person to go to jail when it happens. When the teachers were actually on strike a few years ago, she sat in the middle of the parking lot in a lawn chair until they arrested her. You see the kind of people that are teaching the youth of America? So it was the first day of class and she goes to the back of the room to hand out text books. All of a sudden she leans down and says, "here's that old tissue!" and gives us a lecture on how to sneeze correctly.
The other freaky teacher gave us a whole lecture on what to do if he caught on fire and spent ten minutes of class looking us over and saying "uh huh....uh huh...." He wasn't as bad, though.

I already have a bunch of homework....I should probably do that instead of wasting my time on the computer but too bad.



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